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First Reviews for Angel Six Echo

The launch of Angel Six Echo is just under a week away, and the first batch of early reviews has arrived from readers who requested an Advance Review Copy (ARC) through Netgalley. I’m pleased to report they’ve all been positive so far. Believe me, that’s not always the case – many Netgalley reviewers are seasoned, no-nonsense bloggers and industry professionals – and it’s especially gratifying this time around because I took some pretty big risks in the second half of the story.

Here are a few snippets:

"Overall, this was an action-packed, compelling and entertaining novel with love and a fight over natural resources at its core. I highly recommend this to those that enjoy action-packed science fiction stories." -- PamG, Goodreads

"The story went places I did not expect. The action was exciting and tense. The love story was heartwarming without being too sweet or feeling shoehorned in. The end is great for a stand-alone and was not what I expected. I loved it." -- Cheryl, Netgalley

"Works as adventure, pulp, sci-fi and romance. And it's been a while since I've read something that does all of that without pretension." -- Peter, Goodreads

"The description of this book hints at the creativity and propelling story within. As a science fiction enthusiast, I was not disappointed and found much to enjoy in this book." -- Dr J Reads

"I really enjoyed going on this journey and I look forward to more from the author." -- Kay, Netgalley

“Angel Six Echo is one of the most original science fiction stand-alone books I've read in quite some time.”Amy, Goodreads

A huge thank you to everyone who read and offered feedback (or intends to when they’ve finished). My book received far more Netgalley requests than I expected, so I’ll look forward to following those up in the coming weeks. It’s impossible to overstate how crucial it is in the life of a book to have at least a decent number of reviews up and running on Amazon at the outset, to let potential readers know what they’re in for – a great cover and blurb are rarely enough on their own, unless the reader’s already a fan. And especially for indie authors, reviews make marketing *so* much easier.

We’re off to a promising start. Nov 17 is the launch date, or you can pre-order instead. $2.99 will be the official ebook launch price (likely going up in December), with the paperback on sale for $9.99.

Here are the buy links:

In the meantime, stay safe and happy reading!


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